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The 20th China Overseas Scholar Innovation Summit was grand held in Dalian, China on July 5-7th, 2019. Overseas students, overseas returning entrepreneurs, well-known industry experts and investors from more than ten countries and regions at home and abroad have conducted many roadshows and communication such as cutting-edge technology, investment trends and international development of mass entrepreneurship and innovation. COO of Bizfield, was invited to attend this summit.



BIZFIELD’s COO stood in the government high-tech zone to help enterprises to list overseas financing, and made a keynote speech on “The Best Springboard for US/Hong Kong Stock Listings”. In the opening speech, a set of digital brief introductions quickly made everyone understand the Canadian Stock Exchange:

• History: Established in 1852, currently ranked 8th in the world's top 10 major stock exchanges;

• High market capitalization: nearly 3,300 listed companies, with a total market capitalization of over RMB 15 trillion by 2018;

• High financing: the early financing of the GEM's GEM is between RMB 5 million and RMB 100 million, and the main board is higher;

• High growth: Since 2015, the number of new IPO companies ranks third in major exchanges around the world;

• Internationalization: Since 2015, quarter of newly listed companies and 40% of transactions have come from outside Canada;

• Integration: North American capital market integration, 192 companies are listed in parallel with Canada and the United States;

• Fast listing: An internationalized registration system, financially compliant company, can successfully IPO in 6-8 months.


“• 历史久:成立于1852年,目前全球TOP10主要证交所排名第8位;

• 高市值:近3300家上市公司,截止2018年,总市值超15万亿人民币;

• 融资高:多交所创业板早期融资额500万-1亿人民币之间,主板更高;

• 高成长:2015年以来,新IPO公司数量位居全世界主要交易所第3位;

• 国际化:2015年以来,1/4新上市企业与40%交易额来自加拿大境外;

• 一体化:北美资本市场一体化,192家企业同时在加拿大与美国并行上市;

• 上市快:国际化的注册制,财务合规的企业,6-8个月即可成功IPO。


During the meeting, BIZFIELD’s COO mainly elaborated on two aspects in view of the issue of Canadian listing value that everyone is concerned about.


First of all, the listing of Canada is a “half step ladder” for Chinese companies to move towards US/Hong Kong stocks. BIZFIELD’s COO particularly stressed that the listing of Canada is only the first step in overseas listing. At present, the dream exchanges of Chinese companies listed on the sea are still US stocks and Hong Kong stocks. However, most companies directly enter the US/Hong Kong stocks and the difficulty is too large. The Inter-Judicial Disclosure System (MJDS), signed with US stocks/Hong Kong stocks, gives companies the ability to switch to US/Hong Kong stocks more simply when the time is right.

首先,加拿大上市是中国企业迈向美/港股的“半步阶梯“。BIZFIELD的首席运营官特别强调,加拿大上市只是海外上市的第一步,目前中国企业海上上市的梦想交易所依然是美股和港股,但是大多数企业直接进入美/港股的跨度难度太大,而加拿大多交所与美股/港股签署的“跨司法区域披露系统” (MJDS),给予了企业在时机成熟时能够更简捷转板美/港股的通道。

Secondly, companies with large R&D investment in bio-pharmaceuticals, clean technology and renewable energy, and the Canadian government's R&D tax rebate policy also make many domestic companies with actual R&D needs very interested. Mr. Shang Feng made a conclusion : "Very generous policy, plus Canadian (including Canada Permanent Residence) major shareholder enterprise, plus 60% of the government's investment in research and development, non-Canadian large shareholder enterprises, plus 40% of the government's return on research and development investment."


On the basis of the above two aspects, BIZFIELD’s COO also elaborated on other practical needs of Chinese enterprises, such as the demand for industrial upgrading, relying on Canada's strong technology research and development strength, industrial upgrading and technological iteration, so that these enterprises do not need any transformation and still can shining and developing. If the policy allows, the enterprise project can be reasonably transferred to the policy support encouragement area, such as blockchain projects, North America allows and it is sought after by investment institutions. Moreover, the global immigration policy Under the tight environment, overseas entrepreneurship has become an effective way for business owners and their family to obtain immigration status in developed countries.


Canada BIZFIELD helps Chinese entrepreneurs and investors to complete the whole process of North American business incubation, investment, financing and listing. The overseas listing team provides Chinese companies with comprehensive services in Canadian law, business consulting, public relations and trading agency for the purpose of listing in Canada. They work closely with brokers, sponsors and auditors to develop work plans and assist companies to successfully list.


This summit also attracted many successful entrepreneurs such as Mao Daqing, founder of ucommune, Hu Yu, President of Keda Xunfei. Bob De Haven, President of Microsoft Global Media and Communications. Founder fo FoudersSpace, Steve Hoffman, Israel's Trendlines Incubator President Barak Singer and other guests attended the summit and gave a speech.

本届海创周同时吸引了海内外众多重量级人士,如优客工场创始人毛大庆,科大讯飞总裁胡郁,微软全球媒体和通讯总裁鲍勃·德黑文(Bob De Haven),FoudersSpace创始人Steve Hoffman(史蒂文·霍夫曼),以色列Trendlines孵化器总裁巴拉克·辛格(Barak Singer)等嘉宾共同出席海创周并发表演讲。





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